



Updated Wednesday, January 3, 2024



To test out of CMIS courses, students must make an appointment with the MCC Testing Center by calling 989-328-1295.  You may also register in the CIS Lab, Room D314, in the Beatrice E. Doser Building on Montcalm Community College’s main campus.  All CMIS competency testing is administered in the MCC Testing Center.  Students are required to provide photo identification to take all tests.  For hours of operation, call the CIS Lab at (989) 328-1299 or (989) 328-1295, or visit us on the web at



Students who wish to enroll in a higher-level course that requires a prerequisite can opt to test out of the prerequisite course.  The test will not waive the requirement for other courses or for degree/certificate requirements.  A Course Prerequisite Waiver form will be completed by CIS Lab personnel when all requirements have been met; this form must be presented at the time of registration in order to enroll in the higher-level course. Prerequisite waiver forms are valid for one year.



After successfully completing the exam and enrolling in the course, students are awarded an “S” grade and full credit for the course at the end of the semester.  If you are transferring and need the credit on your transcript sooner, please contact Student Services.  Credit by Examination forms are valid for one year.

Please note:  Financial aid does not pay for credits earned by exam.



Upon successful completion of the exam, the requirement for taking that course will be waived.  If the course is required in a certificate or degree program, the student will be required to take the equivalent number of credits in other course work.  Waiver by Examination forms are valid for one year.


CMIS100 Keyboarding—Three-minute speed test requiring a minimum of 30 net words a minute (5 error maximum).  Student should plan for approximately 15 minutes.


CMIS101 Computer Literacy—Application-based test covering essential computer skills: Word , Excel , Access , PowerPoint , and computer concepts requiring a minimum score of 75%.  Student should plan for approximately 90 minutes.


IC3 Computing Fundamentals, Key Applications, and Living Online certifications also meet competency requirements.  (Further information available at


CMIS102 Introduction to Windows—Application-based test covering fundamentals of Windows such as basic operations, manipulation of the Windows desktop, and file management requiring a minimum score of 80%.  Student should plan for approximately one hour.


IC3 Computing Fundamentals certification also meets competency requirements.  (Further information available at


CMIS124 Introduction to Document Production—Speed test requiring a minimum of 35 net words a minute (5 error maximum) and a timed production test requiring a minimum score of 80%.  Student should plan for approximately one hour.


CMIS153 Microsoft Outlook I—Task-based test covering Outlook (50 tasks). Student should plan for approximately 90 minutes.


Microsoft Office Specialist Outlook Associate certification.  (Further information available at Student should plan for approximately one hour.


CMIS224 Advanced Document Production—Speed test requiring a minimum score of 40 net words a minute (5 error maximum) and a timed production test requiring a minimum score of 80%.  Student should plan for approximately one hour.



NOTE:  The MCC CIS Lab reserves the right to make changes to the Competency Testing Information during the semester.